Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references

Photographer: Daniel Vieser - Architekturfotografie

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references ×
Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references

Photographer: Daniel Vieser - Architekturfotografie

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references ×
Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references

Photographer: Daniel Vieser - Architekturfotografie

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references ×

Furnishings concept for the meeting rooms of Aero Pump GmbH. The objective: to provide furniture that encourages decision-making processes and helps to convey the company's values. The seating should reflect the organic form of the architecture.
The chosen colour scheme with InTouch cantilever chairs in white and green is appealing and fits in optimally in the open, well-lit surroundings.
The InTouch cantilever chair is the ideal partner for good conversations.

Aero Pump GmbH

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references

Photographer: Daniel Vieser - Architekturfotografie

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references ×
Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references

Photographer: Daniel Vieser - Architekturfotografie

Aero Pump GmbH by Dauphin | Manufacturer references ×