Vintage Swedish Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

This cleverly composed vintage rug from Scandinavia features distinct crescent motifs arranged in a symmetric mirror-image composition that utilizes alternating colors to create a contemporary impression. Alternating background colors, crescents and central circles feature contrasting shades of golden yellow, charcoal black and sable that are arranged in various permutations. The ingenious color variations create a strong counterchange pattern using simple geometric shapes to create an abstract statement. Depicting ambiguous geometric symbols, this vintage Scandinavian rug creates a simple yet profound illusion by alternating the foreground perception with differing colors and implying the presence of two offset roundels or an alternate crescent by highlighting the negative space it surrounds. The rich monochromatic elements, clear geometric lines and bold colors enhance the exquisite texture of this chic vintage rug created in Scandinavia.

Size: 3 ft (0.91 m) width x 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m) length; Origin: Scandinavia ;Style: Swedish Rugs

More about this product

Part of the collection SCANDINAVIAN RUGS.
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Swedish Rug
Architonic ID 1428272
Order number 45667

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