Vintage Moroccan Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

This distinctive mid-century Moroccan rug features a splendid assortment of stacked-lozenge tiles arranged in a tessellating pattern that incorporates shape-shifting variations. Quirky stepped-lozenge tiles skillfully interlock in a random pattern that fits together like a carefully planned puzzle. Strong double outlines, duality symbols and female lozenges adorn the repeating tiles and geometric cells at regular intervals in this fetching vintage rug. Naturally complementary male and female duality symbols create a geometric repeating pattern that is full of energy. Thick monochromatic lines, potent geometric figures and ancient symbols are juxtaposed beautifully and woven into the thick, sumptuous pile. These luxurious materials have a decidedly warm complexion provided by the inviting cocoa browns and papyrus-tone ground. This phenomenal mid-century Moroccan rug displays an amazing collection of age-old symbols and graphic details that are delightful to connoisseurs and modern design aficionados.

Size: 6 ft (1.83 m) w x 11 ft 3 in (3.43 m) l ;
Origin: Morocco ; Style: Moroccan Rugs
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Moroccan Rug
Architonic ID 1425918
Order number 47095

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