Produkte, die Geschichte schrieben (Products which have made history)


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A picture book of a very special kind, dealing with things which have the ambition of being more than simply functional objects. The authors explain: "These are things which you simply can't improve on, which will outlive their individual epoch and which everybody either owns or wants to own at all costs. This is what this book is all about – the fascination which such cult objects have for their owners and those who either admire or envy them."

Marcel Breuer's Wassily Chair with serial number B3

Cult | News

Marcel Breuer's Wassily Chair with serial number B3


The "Design" category is dominated by big names such as Eames, Mies and Le Corbusier, but the Klippan sofa by Ikea and Tupperware also have a prominent place.
As with every list and ranking the question naturally arises why this particular object has been included and a different one hasn't – the criteria remain subjective. The division into categories doesn't always work either, because allocating a Steinway grand piano to the "Bric-a-brac" category will cause a few raised eyebrows. In spite of this, however, many everyday products are displayed as iconic originals of their times which really deserve their status as cult objects.

Advertising vehicle for Bic ballpoint pens and lighters

Cult | News

Advertising vehicle for Bic ballpoint pens and lighters


Pritt, the only real adhesive stick

Cult | News

Pritt, the only real adhesive stick


Authors: Birgit Niefanger and Dirk Alt
400 pages, 716 illustrations
Format 26 x 26 cm, bound with perforations
Callwey Verlag Munich 2009
Publisher's recommended price: 49,95 EUR
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-7667-1779-5