This small apartment (80 m²) was renovated for a very young couple, both passionate collectors, and their dog. Our concept was to invade the space by design! The existing context is that of a 150 year old Haussmanian apartment with a rigid layout (defined structurally) which we intended to disrupt so that ultimately its inner qualities are revealed. Programmatic clusters respond to specific client needs, creating a landscape inside the apartment and modify the perception of this very classical Parisian layout.
A guest sleeping loft sits atop the bathroom and Elijah enjoys his own sleeping totem right in front of the entrance door.
All millwork is wood fiber panels by Valchromat. We selected fiber panels because they were not only compatible with project budget but also because they allow for a great flexibility of use (field cutting, on site finishes & repairs made easy) and offer a variety of colors and can be easily repaired if scratched. The kitchen backsplash is marble patchwork of smaller pieces of leftover stone found a marble quarry in Portugal.
Area: 80 m²
Studio Razavi Architecture