Vintage Concrete Middle Grey

Wall coverings / wallpapers from Wall Rapture

Product description

The concrete look is a sought-after medium when it comes to modern and timeless wall cladding in industrial design. The real mineral filler surface “Vintage Concrete” gets a unique used look thanks to cracks and unevenness typical of concrete. As a thin and flexible wallpaper, it is the perfect alternative to bulky wall panels and is therefore flexible and rollable. The so-called rolled concrete can be processed quickly and easily.


The Wall Rapture® Concrete wallpapers in the standard format of 300x100 cm offer an alternative to complex filler surfaces or bulky wall panels. The design is based on real concrete structures, which can no longer be distinguished from real concrete when processed, but without the use of cement, BPA and epoxy resins. In Germany, the wallpapers are made by hand, using over 85% mineral materials and natural rock powder. The Wall Rapture® concrete wallpapers can be made in any color tones and custom sizes upon request. Thanks to a material thickness of only 1.2 mm (± 0.5 mm) and a weight of 0.8 kg/m2 (± 0.2 kg/m2), they are highly flexible and can therefore be used quickly, easily and in a variety of ways. Standardized quality ensures that the intended surface appearance can be implemented consistently worldwide without being affected by incorrect interpretations by the craftsmen. The wallpapers are flame-retardant and have fire protection class B-s1, d0 according to DIN EN 13501 and are CE certified for decorative wall coverings according to DIN EN 15102.
Manufacturer Wall Rapture
Family Wall Rapture® Concrete
Architonic ID 20753988
Order number VB150 - 03
Year of Launch 2023

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