Vintage Swedish Rag Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

Much like many beautiful Swedish rag rugs, this attention-grabbing vintage rug is defined by its simplicity and eclectic mix of colors. The long rug showcases an extravagant variety of hues, all of which are arranged in a seemingly random series of horizontal stripes. Many of the brighter and darker tones are offset by lighter ones, which creates a mixture of both cool and warm elements that cascade over each other. This effect results in an almost waterfall-like pattern that continuously leads the eyes down, with something unique to be seen, no matter where the viewer’s focus stops.

Size: 2 ft (0.61 m) width x 6 ft 7 in (2.01 m) length; Origin: Sweden; Style: Swedish Rugs
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Swedish Rag Rug
Architonic ID 1428179
Order number 46664

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