Vintage Rya Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

Here is an alluring and beautifully woven vintage carpet - a Rya rug, woven in Sweden during the middle years of the twentieth century. This elegant vintage Scandinavian rug features a formal rectilinear composition embellished with delicate floral bouquets and well-defined compartments decorated with abstract color blocks and gradient stripes. Coffered borders decorated with linear details create an elegant frame that encloses the lavishly decorated and subtly colored field. Reminiscent of formal craftsman and arts and crafts works, this sophisticated Rya depicts subdivided geometric compartments and strong colors, including deeply saturated monochrome sections and speckled roan details. Soft green color blocks and peachy pink accents are effectively juxtaposed against robust shades of teal and walnut brown. Dated inscriptions and monogrammed glyphs add to the intrigue of this handsome Scandinavian Rya. A beautiful example of an important style of vintage rugs and carpet weaving, this mid-century Scandinavian Rya rug is a delightful and beautifully woven carpet sure to enhance any interior space.

Size: 6 ft 2 in x 8 ft 9 in (1.88 m x 2.67 m); Style: Swedish Rugs; Origin: Scandinavia
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Rya Rug
Architonic ID 1426524
Order number 45786

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