Vintage Moroccan Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

Reminiscent of a lush hanging garden with cascading florals and drooping vines, this vintage Moroccan carpet has a dynamic style and bold presence that is enhanced by the exuberant assortment of vibrant jewel tones. The elongated field is traversed by an endless parade of colorful stripes, including cerulean blue, cerise, orchid purples and canary yellows that have a fabulous level of contrast. These mutable decorations evolve as they cross the field and interact beautifully with the stringy tufts of ivory pile. This wonderful abstract pattern incorporates endless variations that are enhanced by the fresh assortment of verdant blue-greens and intense floral hues. These vivid stripes are playful, expressive and display strong interplay between the neutral ground and neighboring lines. Understated flat-weave end pieces with colorful stripes complete the tribal-influenced composition beautifully.

Size: 4 ft 7 in (1.4 m) w x 10 ft 7 in (3.23 m) l ; Origin: Morocco ;Style: Moroccan Rugs
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Moroccan Rug
Architonic ID 1425932
Order number 47216

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