Vintage Moroccan Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

Colorful checkers rendered in bold tropical colors and aligned in a loose composition create a charming pattern with casual lines and intimated borders here, typifying the whimsy often found in vintage rugs. This colorful vintage Moroccan rug showcases a vibrant variety of discontinuous checkerboard motifs rendered in a splendid variety of high-contrast colors. The vibrant field features bold fuchsia, orange and turquoise checkers juxtaposed against kohl black squares and delicate checkerboard motifs featuring soft pastel colors. The loosely spaced checkerboard pattern features abstract groups of checkers and alternating color blocks that highlight the soft ivory-colored background. This charming vintage Moroccan rug showcases a cheerful selection of bright tropical colors and simple geometric checkers combined in a modern, abstract pattern full of delightful details that possess a random, uninhibited style.

Size: 3 ft 2 in (0.97 m) w x 7 ft 6 in (2.29 m) l ; Origin: Morocco ; Style: Moroccan Rugs
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Vintage Moroccan Rug
Architonic ID 1425172
Order number 45698

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