Moroccan Vintage Rug

Rugs from Nazmiyal Rugs

Product description

This quintessential mid-century modern vintage Moroccan rug showcases an exquisite combination of bold modern qualities and subtle rustic influences. The intensely decorated field of this stunning vintage rug features a prominent series of compartmental divisions that are decorated with bold ladder-like figures, auspicious lozenges and secondary geometric icons that are found in many Moroccan designs. This combination of self-contained symbols and directional figures produces a graphic black-on-white pattern that is modern and ageless. These enigmatic figures also have a history and nuanced cultural qualities that are unique to Morocco. The graphic style, rich symbolism and sumptuous textures of this mid century vintage Moroccan rug embody all of the complex design qualities that make regional rugs ideal for modern decor.

Size: 5 ft (1.52 m) w x 12 ft 7 in (3.84 m) l ; Origin: Morocco ; Style: Moroccan Rugs
Manufacturer Nazmiyal Rugs
Family Moroccan Vintage Rug
Architonic ID 1424966
Order number 46502

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