About Stephan Hürlemann

Stephan Hürlemann articles

Editor's Letter – April 2023

Simon Keane-Cowell


Back from Milan with learned lessons, refreshed relationships and no lost luggage.

Editor's Letter – December 2022

Simon Keane-Cowell


Metaversal musings, bright sparks and workplace affairs – that was 2022.

Clear perspective: Sky-Frame and Stephan Hürlemann

Brand story



Sky-Frame – Swiss specialists in frameless sliding window and door systems – continue their ‘My Point of View’ series of video portraits with architect and designer Stephan Hürlemann, who shares his perspective on design and its role in a

Designers’ Talk at neue räume 17: Swiss Design Yesterday, ...

Neue Räume


In the run-up to the neue räume 17 design exhibition that takes place from 15 to 19 November in Zurich, eight renowned Swiss designers came together for a constructive debate about current trends and future challenges of "Swiss Design".

Design by Stephan Hürlemann

Stephan Hürlemann Manufacturers