Bar stools from de Nord, Designed by Jonas Lindvall

Product description

BEATNIK BN2: H 810 x W 400 x D 300 mm; weight 6,5-7,0 kg, volume 0,08 m3
birch, oak


In the beginning of the nineties Jonas Lindvall designed and furnished a new Japanese restaurant in Malmö - Izakaya Koi. It wasn't just a huge success, but somewhat trendsetting within the restaurant world. To this day, media from around the world celebrate the interior design and the basic ideas of the restaurant, which still is found in its original condition at Lilla Torg in Malmö.

A while after its opening, questions from the guests were asked in such a number, of who was behind the design, the chairs and the tables, that there no longer was a choice; Jonas developed a table and two stools for sale. This was the Beatnik family; a simple table for kitchen or bar, and two stools - a low one for breakfasting in your kitchen and a tall one for drinks and snacks at the bar.

More about this product

Categorised in Seating - Bar stools - Contract - Hospitality.
Manufacturer de Nord
Architonic ID 1006110

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