Never about fashion, but always about style – just what architects and interior designers have always appreciated about working with Christine Kröncke Interior Design.


Doing it, not just dreaming about it: Christine Kröncke Interior Design creates modern living and lifestyle landscapes that allow for the personal touch while also providing a retreat

Only for a very lucky few does a job ever become more than just a profession. But such individuals do exist. For them, work is a matter of the heart, particularly if they can make others happy in the process.

Christine Kröncke is one such person. Having first found a calling that would allow her to channel her passion into a career, she then founded a company in the mid-1970s, which would allow her to chart her own unconventional path. This grande dame of interiors has always held clearly defined principles, from which she has not deviated since launching her business over 40 years ago. And her success has proved her right.

An eye for detail. Although the furnishings themselves have their own strong character, they are blended together with sensitivity and experience to form a harmonious whole - in colour, form and, of course, function

A question of style: Christine Kröncke Interior Design | Nouveautés

An eye for detail. Although the furnishings themselves have their own strong character, they are blended together with sensitivity and experience to form a harmonious whole - in colour, form and, of course, function


Taste is one of the few things that cannot be bought and style is everything, never a matter of sheer coincidence – this is Kröncke’s deep conviction. The company is today co-led by Frank Stohlmeyer and Jörg von Sichart who continue in a spirit of coherence and consistency, and with exceptional sensitivity to the needs and preferences of clients searching for something special. Everything is comprehensively thought through from start to finish, from the initial idea to its realisation.

Taste is one of the few things that cannot be bought and style is everything, never a matter of sheer coincidence – this is Kröncke’s deep conviction

Never fashionable for fashion’s sake, but always unfailingly stylish – this is exactly what architects and interior designers have always appreciated about Christine Kröncke Interior Design. This is not boastfulness, but rather a good sense for timeless elegance and sustainable furnishings that offer pleasure long into the future. In the statement ‘I like to live my life – every day,’ Kröncke’s personal, emotional way of advising her clients and working with them to furnish their interiors, shines through. The result is subtle and coherent, but also distinctive and well-conceived. The emotional meets the rational – a recipe for success, but one that requires expertise to put into practice.

Always to the point: No matter whether a single room, an entire floor or a complete building, Christine Kröncke Interior Design does not think in terms of separate blocks, but rather in holistic concepts

A question of style: Christine Kröncke Interior Design | Nouveautés

Always to the point: No matter whether a single room, an entire floor or a complete building, Christine Kröncke Interior Design does not think in terms of separate blocks, but rather in holistic concepts


Christine Kröncke’s signature can still be read in every detail. Almost like a well-rehearsed orchestra, opening up worlds of living and, one could even say, life, with rich facets offering up the full scale of options: from individual pieces to completely furnished interiors. This also relates to the precept of ‘remaining true to oneself‘ – one of the basic rules at Christine Kröncke Interior Design and which simultaneously ensures a wealth of possibilities for the company’s clientele.

The company is particularly proud that everything it produces – in close collaboration with renowned designers and the in-house design team – is made in Germany. This is not a simple advertising ploy, but a profound conviction. The aim is to unite creative ideas in a holistic framework and thus assemble the broadest possible portfolio of inspiration for planners and interior designers.

Formal courage: With its self-confident approach, Christine Kröncke Interior Design brings together round, angular and polygonal designs, which, in their interplay, always speak the same language

A question of style: Christine Kröncke Interior Design | Nouveautés

Formal courage: With its self-confident approach, Christine Kröncke Interior Design brings together round, angular and polygonal designs, which, in their interplay, always speak the same language


The holistic style, expressed in carefully assembled compositions, confident colours, simple forms and selected materials, is fused with an inviting sense of living comfort, backed by a deeply human concept. Because don’t we all have an innate need to create spaces that, on the one hand, allow individuality and personality to unfold while on the other, offer room for comfort and retreat?

Sophisticated, elegant and above all inviting. Even if the basic tenor of Christine Kröncke Interior Design remains classic, timeless and eclectic, one thing, in the end, is unconditional: the unmistakable feeling of coming home

A question of style: Christine Kröncke Interior Design | Nouveautés

Sophisticated, elegant and above all inviting. Even if the basic tenor of Christine Kröncke Interior Design remains classic, timeless and eclectic, one thing, in the end, is unconditional: the unmistakable feeling of coming home


The answers to this question take shape in the form of exclusive 3D visualisations created by an expert in-house planning team, which, regardless of the planning phase or size of the project, offers professional advice and guidance in the decision-making process. This is how the company’s collections have found their way into hotels, restaurants, offices, private clinics and public buildings as well as a diverse range of private and commercial projects. And, true to the motto ‘What is conceivable is possible’, every challenge is embraced.

Move right in and feel instantly at home – this is the clear, refined style of Christine Kröncke Interior Design, which offers clients enough flexibility and freedom to add the final individual touches themselves. Because home living is, and always has been, about more than just a roof over one’s head.

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