DesignAlive Trophy de Oskar Zieta | Making-ofs

Photographe : Wojciech Trzcionka

DesignAlive Trophy de Oskar Zieta | Making-ofs ×
DesignAlive Trophy de Oskar Zieta | Making-ofs

Photographe : Wojciech Trzcionka

DesignAlive Trophy de Oskar Zieta | Making-ofs ×


"I design processes for manufacturing customised construction. Process-design triggered the creation of the trophy which is a part fo a larger construction and some bigger scale entity. In the paradigm of its own role as a reward for creative thinking, the trophy attains a symbolic meaning. Thinking is a process. Like each realized idea is a part of large and still growing concept that support our everyday life." - Oskar Zieta.
The trophy is a 28 cm high and weigh 1,25 kg made of steel and brass with copper sheetting.
Deasign Alive Awards is the first Polish prize for original and creative thinking that fulfills needs of a new generation of the consumers. The ambitious role of DAA is pointed at creators and promotors who deliver products, services and solutions to the market that reflect synergy between design, technology, ecology and business still being aware of continously changing world and society.

Zieta Prozessdesign
Designer: Oskar Zieta