Fotógrafo: CWP Coloured Wood Products
Helsinki Airport, terminal expansion. Terminal building includes a new security area, retail areas and baggage handling facilities. This new extension is connected to the old building. It’s extending existing terminal with two new gates to the south and nine new gates to the west. Wooden interiors are a major element inside the terminal, bringing a local twist into the transfer passenger’s experience. The wall surface materials are CWP’s modern birch with a new look. There are natural birch colour and dark grey tones. The most significant architectural element is a central plaza after the security control, which serves as a point of orientation for the non-Schengen passengers.
PES-Architects Ltd.

Fotógrafo: CWP Coloured Wood Products

Fotógrafo: Kari Palsila

Fotógrafo: Kari Palsila