Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Where outer beauty builds on inner values
MVRDV has set new standards with the Ilot Queyries residential complex in Bordeaux. A building length of 200 m, heights of up to nine stories and 10,000 m² of building envelope with an inclination of 14 to 45 degrees make it clear: Here, the right facade material becomes the key to successful realization. MVRDV therefore opted for the KeraTwin ceramic facade system from Agrob Buchtal.
Differently profiled tiles give the architecture its sculptural appearance with sun reflections and shadow play. The radiantly bright ceramic facade contrasts precisely with the red plaster of the inner courtyard, which makes its way out in incisions, vistas and passages. Together with Agrob Buchtal, the architects developed a special light tone for the glaze to achieve a high albedo that counteracts the urban heat island effect.
The fact that the ceramic facade is equipped with Hytect technology, a surface with a self-washing effect, pays impressive dividends in terms of economy. The finish has an antibacterial effect, defies all weathering, contamination and moss formation, and ensures that the already durable facade retains its consistent appearance for years to come. Hytect tiles even break down air pollutants like nitrogen oxide and contribute to healthier air quality: A gift to the city of the future.
Fotógrafo: Art-Milan Mazaud, Bordeaux
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam
Fotógrafo: Ossip Architectuurfotografie, Rotterdam