Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×

Using real-time rendering to visualize a luxury residence

VoxlVision is a company founded by Ted Vitale and Austin Peppel in 2017 based in Baltimore in the United States. Specializing in architectural rendering and digital illustration, the Enscape for SketchUp workflow is a heavy favorite within the team for the visual marketing side of architecture.

In 2018, Ted and his team got the chance to utilize their visualization skills in a project for a high-profile client. The Oceana project involved building a dream home which was done with the help of Enscape.

VoxlVision was brought into the project because the project team experienced difficulties visualizing the space and communicating the 2D designs to the client. Working alongside Studio Life/Style, an interior design firm specializing in luxury homes, Ted was tasked with augmenting the design work.

Providing an invaluable experience for a high-profile client

Throughout the project, Ted experimented with ideas from the client and the design team. Having an iterative design and rendering process meant that he could do this with ease.

As a visualization firm, VoxlVision’s role in the design process was significant. Using real-time rendering, they helped the design team validate their ideas and communicate the designs to the client.

Ted was able to sit down with the client and walk through their house using Enscape. This was the first house they had ever built, and it was going to be a home for them, their spouse, and children, so they wanted it to be a good space for a family.

The ability to digitally stage the space in an almost photo-realistic environment allowed them to get approval for the interior designer to go further with the next steps. Finding a structural conflict on a staircase was another example of how valuable one-to-one digital representation is.

Design Team


Project Partners

Studio Life/Style

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×
Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori

Fotografo: Voxl.Vision

Oceana Residence di Enscape | Riferimenti di produttori ×