
Bathroom furniture from Sistema Midi, Designed by Discoh

Product description

Ola collection Compaq with 45 ° miter binding of all sides to hang it into the wall.
Wet modules, modules with or without drawer and shelves.
 Unique measures without handles, push system.
Finishes: white or black compak, oak, Naturalia or solid core.


Ola collection is a modular system of bath furniture composed by nine modules fabricated in Compact HPL in different colours and finishes. For this collection we have used a great variety of colours and among themselves, the most exclusives "Naturalia" and "Solid Core", who can be combined to obtain an infinite number of models, adjusting the needs and preferences of each customer.

The technology used for the fabrication of the different modules is based in the union in a 45º angles of all the ofaces who compose the different modules, process commonly used in another materials but completly new in the application in HPL, obtaining that way a solid, robust, exclusive, clean and precise finish. All the drawers are handless, they use guides with a "push" system opening, obtaining a clean and compact aspect.

In spite of their reduced dimensions, all the elements of the collection offer a maximum storage capacity, since all of them have drawers, except the "contract" version that allows use modules without drawers.

More about this product

Categorised in Bathroom furniture.
Part of the collection BATHROOM.
Manufacturer Sistema Midi
Family Ola
Architonic ID 1194840
Year of Launch 2011

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