Development of "the poetry of shadows", a communication and exhibition concept, reflecting both, the quality of light and the philosophy of the company. Based on this concept 22quadrat designed the exhibition booth as well as the whole communications strategy for the fair. Where there is light, shadows originate - they structure spaces. During the concept-finding process it became clear, that the most important criterion for a sensible and intelligent illumination isn't the light alone, but the resulting shadow. It creates a natural and atmospheric mood - enhancing attention and concentration. Spaces compatible with human nature are the results. Spaces that enable experiences about oneself as well as the company alteme.

The exhibition architecture of 64sqm is based on these approaches. Black-anodized aluminium struts are the main element of the design. They only allow minimal glances inwards and create a deep, intimate atmopsphere of quietness. Placed in separate zones the products of alteme can unfold their very own qualities of light and shadow. The visitor will go on a journey through little cabinets. The fair stand invites to pause, to observe - at best it's evoking archaic pictures: archetypes of spaces, light and darkness.
