ComplexCity is an exploration to find a concealed aesthetic by using the pattern formed by the city's roads, which have been growing and evolving randomly through time.

ComplexCity is an exploration to find a concealed aesthetic by using the pattern formed by the city's roads, which have been growing and evolving randomly through time, thus composing the complex configuration we experience today.

The ComplexCity collection will be introducing 10 famous cities.

ComplexCity | Materiales

The ComplexCity collection will be introducing 10 famous cities.


The project started in Seoul, Korea, where designer Lee Jang Sub was born and has grown up. Now it is expanding to other cities all over the world. Lee Jang Sub now lives in Barcelona, Spain, and explains: "I perceive the city's patterns as living creatures that I recompose to form an urban image."

ComplexCity patterns on paper and on textile

ComplexCity | Materiales

ComplexCity patterns on paper and on textile


The ComplexCity design concept is screen-printed on different materials, such as wood, textil, or paper, each giving the design a different feel. For the final product, the screen-printing effects of the design are implemented on one of the materials listed above.

Displayed above are examples for the cities of Rome and Paris

ComplexCity | Materiales

Displayed above are examples for the cities of Rome and Paris
